
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The title of this thesis is " Alfarra " and his opinion in Grammar,‎ Qur’an Readings, and phonetics, as it cleared in his book " Qur’an Meanings".‎ Alfarra was one of the ancient Arab scientist, He, as it was written in biographical and category books , was the person who put the bas, measures, and the idioms of Kufan grammar, in addition to his comprehension to the Arabic language Styles. This is clear in his book Qur'an Meanings " which represents prominent evidence that its author was interested in Qur'an science.‎ Alfarra's method in clearing the readings concentrated on Arabic styles . He sometimes explains the reason for his selection , and he sometimes leaves the reason without explanation He was frequently equalizing the readings to on another In this thesis I explained the reasons for the Alfarra's selections, and they are two kinds pronunciatory and significant reasons pronunciatory reasons surpass the significant ones in number and variety according to Alfarra frequent usage of pronunciatory reasons, they are as follows The readers agreement, parsing the frequent usage equal order and style Abd Ullah Ibn Mas’uds reading Uthman Qur’an Copy, ety-‎ mology Lightness. Ubai Ibn Ka’bs readings Measurement, resem-‎ blance of the ends of Qur’an Verses the origin notification, Sound‎ and pausing The significant reason of meaning surpasses others in repetition , and they are meaning , ‎explanation and explanation and expounders context This thesis has made the above mentioned reasons clear .‎ In considering them , it appeared that Alfarra’ in Qur;an reading , didn’t compel to what ‎had been said about Kufans and Basrans in compelling them to hearing or measuring or ‎both but he used other origins they are the reason which I tried to make them clear after ‎they had been spread here and there in many references .‎ If we want to evaluate Arabic reasons , they are considered new characteristics of the ‎Arabic Language and prominent evidence that proves that this language is abundant and ‎good for improvement which Qur’an was its center.‎ Therefore , Qur’an readings must be considered an origin for measurement In grammar , etymology , language and style because they are tenacious and reliable ‎literary work.‎
