
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study aims to follow the causes of the economic backwardness in the Islamic countries and the role of Islamic legislation in its treatment. The study reached to the fact that the main cause in this backwardness is the misdistribution of the wealth which results to the mismanagement of the economic resources. The study reached to the wrong view of the maltus population theory upon which capitalism has built its view for economic backwardness and the economic problem. The maltus theory considered that the cause of the economic problem and the back wording lies in the non-balance between the volume of the population and the available economic resources in addition to the other political and economic factors. The study showed that the treatment of the capitalism to this problem. Presented in the increase of the production and the income despite pf the wealth distribution. Increased the water to the mud and to the elevation of the starving. The starvation population reached according to the last reports to around (840) million human where the majority are in the 3rd world. This number increase day after day. Islam looks to the problem as a whole and reached that the cause is the misdistribution of the wealth which resulted to the mismanagement of the economic resources. Islam treated the problem through a group of Islamic legislations which treated the causes of the resources ownership and the rules for its application. Islamic has worked to remove all obstacles which stops between humans and the work and the production. Islam bonded the wages with the benefits of the work and hence subjugate human to learn and follow the modern methods and arts of production. This research came to the fact that the cause of the backwardness in the Islamic world has resulted from the abandon of the Islamic rules from the Muslims life
