
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


We live in the age of information and its revolution. There has been a great progress in the field of scientific development. While humanity took centuries to move from the agriculture age into the industry age, it has taken only decades to move towards atomic age and then to space age. We can see nowadays technological development every hour. There is a great challenge facing the developing countries, especially the Arab countries, which are the huge technology revolution and developments that force these countries to take actions to reduce the gab with other countries to be able to make some advantages of these developments. These developments heavily affected the teaching institutions, making the use of the internet and other teaching media one of the best methods used to make the teaching process as effective as possible. In this paper, we will study new teaching techniques used overall the world and the challenges to the education in the Arab world under the vision of the information technology revolution. We will also discuss the requirements to include these new technologies in the teaching process in the developing countries, especially in the Arab world. Despite of the great success gained by the teaching institutions using these methods, there are still great difficulties facing our educational institutions. To conclude, we give some ideas and opinions which can be adopted to enhance our educational institutions to carry out programs which can deal with the time being developing techniques
