"Environmental Education Standards Included in the Geography Curriculum" by Mahmoud Bani Fares

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study aimed to identify the standards of environmental education for the curriculum of geography of the tenth grade of basic education in Jordan. Besides, it aimed to ascertain the extent to which these standards are represented in this curriculum The study made use of the descriptive analytical research approach, taking the idea as a basis of content analysis, and the sentence as a basis of the analysis of objectives, methods of teaching activities and evaluation. A set of 77 standards for environmental education that should be integrated in the geography curriculum could be reached at the first phase of the study. These standards were then used in the second phase of the study as a criterion to ascertain the extent to which these standards are represented in the geography curriculum under study. Results of data analysis showed the standards of environmental education are weakly represented of the in the domain of objectives and averagely represented in the domains of content and evaluation. On the other hand, they are highly represented in the domains of methods of teaching and activities. The results indicate that little attention is paid to principles of environmental education in three of the domains of the curriculum under study: objectives content and evaluation. The findings of the study posed a set of recommendations related to the necessity of congruence between both the objectives and the content of the curriculum and the standards of environmental education. Besides. it was recommended that evaluation techniques be congruent With both the objectives and the content of the curriculum
