
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study aims to identify the main factors which influence the relationship

between teachers and principals in the city of Irbid according to gender, educational

level and educational experience varieties. The sample of the study was chosen

from a community which composed of all the teachers of the public schools in Irbid

governorate, which numbered (6000) teachers from AL-Qasbah district for 2017.

The study sample consists of (300) teachers who were randomly selected . . The researcher

used a questionnaire to determine the factors influencing the relationship

between teachers and principals and conduct the appropriate analyzes, and was

distributed to the study sample to collect the data . The appropriate computational

analysis was conducted for the responses of the sample members on the dimensions

of the study instrument, and the tool as a whole according to gender, educational

level and experience varieties. The results showed that there were statistically significant

differences in the opinions of the sample members according to the female

gender variable foe female. And the absence of statistically significant differences

in the opinions of the sample members about the leadership style, and orientation

programs dimensions, and absence of statistically significant differences according

to experience variable. Through the results, the study recommended the following:

1. Provide material and moral incentives to teachers when they do additional work,

and apply successful leadership patterns in dealing with them.

2. Reviewing the controls of the selection of school leaders according to the requirements

of the future based on merit criteria and accepts change and positive


3. Preparation of programs for the preparation of leaders targeting teachers who

have leadership qualities

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