
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The logistics of war in the poetry of Al – Mutanabi ,‎ though quite observable has not received the due attention by researchers and scholars . Therefore , due to the signifi –‎ cance of administration in the battlefield , the researcher at –‎ temps to examine the following aspects .‎ ‎1.War logistics as a term in the battlefield .‎ ‎2. War logistics as a plan or policy to be adopted .‎ ‎3.communications during the war ; how it is defined and ‎ Categorized .‎ The first aspect deals with the definition of the adminis- ‎ tration backing (support) including individuals and resourc-‎ es . The second dimension defines anf identifies the commu-‎ nications and its subdivisions . The third talks about ‎ maintenance and storage of weapons , securing water , tak-‎ ing rest , the killed , the injured , and prisoners . The study concludes by saying that muslims planned for their wars ad-‎ ministratively and gained victory due to military and ad-‎ ministration planning . This has been shown through analyz-‎ ing the poetry of Al – Mutanabi .‎
