
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study address one of the important issues recently raised "The criminal responsibility of the rumors promoters through social networks". Many people who visit social networks do not realize the negative effect of their rumors, or know the extent of criminal responsibility which may fall upon them as a result of these rumors. This issue has been addressed to know what the Islamic rules, with regards to Islamic legislations and Jordanian law.

In order to address that issue, this study includes several aspects, such as: types of rumors and the negative effects of rumors. Also it explain the position of theology and Islamic of rumors and the suitable punishment for them.

Finally, the study revealed the position of the Jordanian law of rumors and the suitable punishment for its promoters in the Jordanian Penal Code, the Jordanian Cybercrime Law and Press and Publications Law. The study revealed the most important restrictions for information promoters through social networks and the restrictions of the information received

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