
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


Mahmoud Darwish has constantly occupied himself with exile and its severity and weightiness on the sensitive psyche by progressively delving into the culture of pain while closely observing internal as well as external exile. Despite the fact that external exile constitutes a complete break-up with the geography of affect and a serious fracture in the autobiography, internal exile, which resides in the poetic, sensitive self, surpasses external exile because it has no spatial boundaries when it crouches upon a person's chest, a person who has a different vision of life, the world, and existence. How did Darwish meditate exile? How did he interpret it after his journey with exile? How did the artistic and aesthetic momentum co-escalated with the meditative momentum in exile poems? And why did Darwish's residence in his poems strengthen after his prolonged exile? These questions, among others, are the focus of this study; the objective is to critically respond to them by probing exile texts in the verse of a controversial poet like Darwish
