
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This research presents an empirical, academic study to illustrate the role of legal education in anti-corruption within the framework of the educational curricula that are applied at the faculties of law, particularly the courses specialized in the integrity, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption issues; and the obstacles that face their teaching in Arab countries that are considered naturally as developing countries within low patterns and levels; that still make the Arab citizen in general and the knowledge seeker in particular in the position of the influenced rather than an influential element in the anti-corruption system.

Perhaps the most serious problems faced by the university professor in this framework are how to crystallize the foundations of specific parameters to achieve a delicate balance between anti-corruption and the enjoying basic human rights, taking in consideration that the need to fight the corruption phenomenon as a serious ailment that tears the cultural, economical, and political aspects of the social fabric. Their effective legal consequences cannot be achieved without reviewing the relationship between anti-corruption and human rights, whether towards improving the right which is presented to human beings or to avoid taking measures without studying their consequences that lead to surpassing the human rights state institutions in particular the basic rights, which are naturally inevitable found with the existence of human beings and their enjoyment of human indignity,

In the presented ideas, we shall display how the developed teaching methodology of the courses specialized in anti-corruption may approach a lot of issues that used to inflict the anti-corruption methods that were under criticism from legal perspectives since they were not enveloped within the procedures that were compatible to the human rights issues, so that they became the objective of anti-corruption in some positions, as merely formative patterns that lack effective mechanisms and safe procedures

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