
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study deals with the subject of "psycholinguistics"; it discusses a variety of concepts and issues related to it. It begins with defining this termand identifying its development and uses, and then it tries to trace back the innovation of this concept and term in the Arab heritage, and it also explores the extent of its presence in ancient critique studies, before tackling the development stages of psycholinguistics and its application fields. This processdepends on the description of its different historical stages starting from its early stage until reaching the middle of the twentieth century. Based on the analytical descriptive approach, the research has explored the areas that psycholinguistics studies and researches, and then it has moved on to the discussion of two of the most important issues of interest to this branch of linguistic knowledge: they are the issue of the biological nature of human language and the issue of language acquisition by the child. The research has eventually concluded a set of results; regarding the term and its development, it has recommended that there should be a distinction between psycholinguistics on the one hand and language psychology on the other, depending on the specialized reference and meaning for both terms. In studying the concept of psycholinguistics in the heritage, the research concluded that Arab critics have used, described and discussed this concept and gave examples of it very much, despite the lack of using methodological research tools that would have made it more scientific and organizedstudy and not just scattered pieces of language works. Thedescription of this concept appeared clearly in Al-Jahiz and IbnKhaldun studies. With regard to the development of the modern psycholinguistics, the research concluded that there are four stages through which this language section has passed; all of them were based on structuralism until this branch of knowledge has gotten itsindependence with the emergence of the writings of the American language scholar Noam Chomsky, in particular. As for the results related to psycholinguistics issues, the research relied on the results of the psychologist Curtis studieson the biological nature of human language. Regarding the issue of language acquisition in the childhood, the research discussed the views of Skinner and the behaviorismtheory and school, as well as Chomsky's own views, who argues that the acquisition of language by the child is a human, innate , instinctive and naturalprocess of development,and the child acquires it without exerting much effort
