
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The study aimed to identify the differences in the coordination abilities and kinetic perceptions between basketball players and football players, and to identify the correlation between the abilities of coordination abilities and kinetic perceptions among basketball players and football players, where the researchers used the descriptive approach, the study sample (30) male Basketball and football team (16-18) in the university District.

In the light of the objectives of the study, the researchers found that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups (the group of football players & basketball players) for the basketball players, and there were significant differences between the two groups in the test (zig zag running with a football) for the players of football.

The researchers also found a statistically significant inverse relationship between the results of the basketball players in the muscle compatibility test (zig zag running with a basketball), the tests of the computational compatibility (the bounce pass in basketball) and the free throw, and the positive correlation between the results of the basketball players. In the tests of muscular compatibility (zig zag running with a basketball), and the test of kinetic compatibility (zig zag running with a basketball by the special glasses), as well as the inverse relationship between the results of football players in the test of muscle compatibility (zig zag running with a football), and tests of sensory compatibility (Ground pass in football, over pass in football, and shooting on goal).

The researchers recommend that basketball and football junior coaches should pay attention to the development of muscular compatibility and develop sensory abilities for direct association with skill performance. Coaches should also inform trainers of exercises for the development of muscular compatibility and sensory abilities of the players, while developing the abilities of trainers and those working in the youth and school sector, especially young people training to become national competitive athletes
