
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The objectives of this study are centered on the implications and the dimensions of the innovation philosophy found within the Imam Mohammad Abdo's intellect and the new philosophical expositions he Presented In Modern Islamic Political Thought. The study also discusses the philosophical issues that had been presented by the Islamic thinker Mohammad Abdo, which aroused a broad controversy and discussion among the researchers and thinkers. In addition to this, it can be considered an intellectual proposition that contributes to the liberation of the Islamic thought and innovating it according to a clear philosophical vision & And knowing his position on the values of the system of government and issues of power in Islam, The study adopted the inductive approach & Historical approach. The study concluded that thanks to the Imam Mohammad Abdo the correlation between religion and modernity has been stressed on the basis that it is considered one of the Islamic religion fundamentals seeing as it is primarily a rational religion & Imam Mohammad Abdo presented a comprehensive and a complete program for innovation in all respects. One of the political contributions of Sheikh Mohammad Abdo are his political opinions: his emphasis on the essence of the system and values of governance in Islam, such as: Shura, law, responsibility of the ruler, obedience, freedom, democracy, justice and equality, independence and unity, moderation and moderation
