
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The poetic discourses for Emirate stage poets are considered as an intellectual heritage diary, Because they are one of the ancient literary and fluent texts that form,at most, reformatory approach and attempt for changing social, economic and politic life which is built on poetic texts that address the recipient for influential and convincing purposes. Also, these poetic discourses adopt linguistic verbs and rhetorical techniques that guide the recipient's brain, his soul and conscience in an argumentative guidance away from contradict and force.

This paper will give an intensed image for the most important linguistic verbs and rhetorical techniques found in these texts.

1-The linguistic verbs of Emirate stage poets.

2-The rchetorical techniques of stage poets.
