
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


The nation has admitted acceptance of Al-bukhari and Moslem Books but some ‎Ahadith have been criticized by scientist whereas the criticism to saheeh moslem ‎was more than that of saheeh Al-Bukhari .‎ ‎ There is a famous Riway (narration) it is the Riway of Abi Al-Zubair from ‎Jaber ; on the other hand , scientist have suspected this Riwaya because Abi Al-‎Zubair has been accused of Al-Tadlees in this Riwaya Some Ahadeeth in the ‎Saheeh Moslem have been Mu,anana
