
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


this investigates the use of month" "shahr" through the quracic text concentration on ‎the following issues:‎‎1-‎Including and aomission of the word "Month" ‎‎2-Definite and indefinite forms of this word. ‎‎3-singular, dual and plural forms of this word.‎‎ 4-Defining and specification of the word "shahr" or month.‎ It has been clear that "month", as time unit in the holy quran, can be found in (21) ‎positions.‎ It is definite in (13) positions, Indefinite in (8) positions singular in (12) positions, dual in ‎‎(2) positions and plural in (7) positions,‎ It is strongly obvious that this time unit (month( was used in many important issues. In ‎such issues time is very important. "month" was medium time unit between the day ‎and the week and the year, these issues are: ‎‎1-‎ Religious observances performed during definite time periods like fasting of ‎ramadan and performing hajj (pilgrimage)‎‎2- Regulations which depend on time like expiations “idah" prescribed ‎period for women.‎‎3-The sacred months and regulations related to them. ‎‎4-Othor general issues.‎ In this study, I followed the analytical method which based on exposing the lexical ‎meaning of andy word in the context, it is also clear that the formula differs according ‎to the position of the word and its meaning, one formula like the plural of the word "month" has more than one shape ‎‎(the plural of puacity and the plural of multitude) every from has its own lexical ‎meaning.‎ The phenomenon of including what to be omitted is prominent and has its own secrets ‎which the situation requires
