
Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning

Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning


The present study aims at identifying the difficulties facing Al_Quds OpenUniversity ( QOU) in Palestine as a result of employing part_time academicsupervisors. Total survey method was used in collecting data and informationfrom the population of study which consisted of all directors of educationalregions, study centers, academics and administrative assistants totalled 45.A 32-item questionnaire was distributed to 45 persons, the items of this questionnairerepresent the academic and administrative difficulties. Validity wasestablished by showing the instrument to group of juries who have expertiseand specialization, in addition to computing the correlation matrix of theitems with the total degree of the questionnaire were computed. Reliability wasachieved by computing reliability coefficient of Cronbach Alpha (0.94).The results of the study revealed that the degree of difficulties facing QOUas a result of employing part_time academic supervisors was medium mean3.39. Academic difficulties came top mean 3.41 followed by administrativedifficulties mean 3.37.Results also indicates that there are no statistically significant differencesin difficulties facing QOU as a result of employing part _time academic supervisorsthat can be attributed to the variables: region (West Bank, GazaStrip), academic qualification, post and years of experience. Finally, the studyconcluded with a number recommendations.
