
Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning

Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning


The starting point for the present study was a group of questions regardingoutcomes of the blended learning courses. Would learners feel satisfied withsuch a model of learning? How would they react toward blended learningcourses? The aforementioned questions which constitute the rational forthis study involved measuring QOU learners’ attitudes toward the blendedlearning courses.A questionnaire was designed to gather valid data about the concernedphenomenon, i.e. to measure Q.O.U learners' attitudes towards BL. Theresearchers' literature reviewing helped them a lot in this area. It wasdesigned to be electronically filled through the Moodle. Worth mentioning,the questionnaire was distributed to the whole learners who were enrolled inblended learning courses at QOU in the second term of the academic year2009/2010. Only 249 learners responded to the study instrument. This numberwhich was drawn randomly and which represents 5% of the total number ofthe study population constitutes the study sample.The current study revealed that QOU learners have positive attitudestowards BL. Moreover, no statistically significant difference existed in thelearners' perceptions of BL components, i.e. course structure, course interface,learners' autonomy, interaction and the quality of instructional methods dueto their gender, programme, academic level, achievement, and competency inEnglish. Nonetheless, computer literacy and experience in using the internetwere significant variables affecting QOU learners' attitudes towards BL.
