
Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability

Author Country (or Countries)

UUM. Malaysia


The key aim of the research is to analyze the mediating role of employee motivation in the relationship between non-financial incentives and employees’ willingness to knowledge sharing in the UAE public sector. The study will be particularly conducted on GDRFA, in UAE. Research Methodology: Ensuring the reliability and validity of a certain study is contingent upon designing it with appropriate techniques and methodology [26]. By using rigorous data collection methods and designing investigations that can be universally applied, it is feasible to obtain the most accurate and reliable data from respondents across various groups. The research design encompasses the population, sample, sampling methods, and research process strategy. The questionnaire design is outlined in conjunction with the procedure of collecting quantitative data. The subsequent section provides a comprehensive explanation of the process for translating the instrument, validating survey questionnaires, and constructing the instrument. Ultimately, this study encompasses a comprehensive data analysis approach that relies on the use of SPSS and SEM-PLS statistical tools.

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