
Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability

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Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infection that affect the lungs and caused majorly by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The study sought to discover factors that influence recovery of patients using Bayesian Continuous-Time Survival model and the Log-logistic model. The factors that were seen to be linked to treatment outcome are; Age, treatment time, smear results and HIV. It was further realized that, age, HIV and their interactions were significant determinants of TB treatment outcomes in the Bulsa traditional area. The recoveries for males and females were 79.32%, and 87.32% respectively. Also, the recovery for children(100%), adults(81.28%), and aged (80.28%) were realized. Patients who were diagnosed with TB as first timers(New patients) had lower recovery rates compared to nonnew(relapsed) patients. A rigorous HIV testing rate of 97.73% was identified with TB/HIV coinfection rate of 10.39%. HIV/TB Co-infection was seen to have link to TB related deaths with a mortality rate of about 18.75%. The most prevalent disease category was found to be Pulmonary positive TB. Therefore, prudent Health education and voluntary testing should be intensified to enable early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

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