The World Research of Political Science Journal

The World Research of Political Science Journal


The objective of the study: There is no doubt that Kuwait was able to employ what it had of the ingredients, and succeeded in converting some weaknesses into strengths, in a way that enabled it to pursue an active foreign policy to serve the national goals at all levels. The State of Kuwait has drawn its foreign policy on the basis of four circles. They are: Gulf, Arab, Islamic and international. Its relations with the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf are complementary politically, economically, culturally and militarily. Methodology: The research was dealt with through several points: First: a historical overview of Kuwaits foreign policy, Second: The objectives of the Kuwaiti foreign policy, Third: The principles of the State of Kuwaits foreign policy, Fourth: Kuwaiti foreign policy circles, Fifth: Tools for the implementation of Kuwaiti foreign policy, Sixth: Characteristics and features of Kuwaits foreign policy. Results: Despite the small geographical size of Kuwait, it was able, in all its historical stages, to play political roles that have an impact in the Gulf, Arab and international regions on the basis of balance and wisdom and not to rush into decision-making while maintaining the spirit of friendship, cooperation and commitment to the dictates of its internal and external role. Whether with Arab countries or friendly countries, the limited size of Kuwait compared to neighboring countries constitutes an important source of threat to the security of the state, which requires intensive work to support the home front by achieving social balance at the class and sectarian levels, and building the largest possible extent of popular political participation. Conclusion: Preserving the cohesion of the unity of Kuwait and preserving its security and the safety of its residents were the most important external goals that Kuwait sought to achieve in its overall foreign policy, and this requires its cooperation with all regional, Arab and international powers in a neutral manner, and playing a greater role at the international level than the gateway to winning friends And allies, zeroing in on problems, and staying neutral on all sides and all equations.
