
Journal of the Arab American University مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث

Journal of the Arab American University  مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث


This critical review shed light on the problem of applying the model of reconstruction and stability building of Germany and Japan after World War II on geopolitically and culturally different cases, such as Iraq and Afghanistan as post war contexts; and probably the same model will be applied to different post war contexts, such as Syria, Yemen, Libya and others. The study discussed the reasons why the model of reconstructing Iraq and Afghanistan failed compared to the successful model that was applied in Germany and Japan. Grounding on previous literature and theoretical frameworks, the study developed a new model that was based on the concept of sustainable development. The study found out that the model that was applied in Iraq and Afghanistan did not lead to development; rather, it produced new rounds of violence.
