Future Dental Journal




Aim: The sealing ability of endodontic obturation plays a important role in long term prognosis of an endodontic treatment. Aim To evaluate and compare the marginal adaptation of epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) versus Bioceramic-based sealer (Total fill BC Sealer) to root canals that obturated with two obturation techniques (Lateral condensation and single cone techniques) using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Materials and Methods Sixty recently extracted single rooted mandibular premolars teeth were disinfected. Access cavity preparation was performed followed by cleaning and shaping, using 2.6% NaOCl as final irrigation protocol. Teeth were then equally divided into 4 groups according to obturation protocol as follows; Group A: AH Plus with cold lateral compaction CLC technique, Group B: AH Plus with single cone (SC) technique, Group C: Totalfill BC with CLC technique, and Group D: Total fill Bioceramic sealer with SC technique. Each root was transversely sectioned at cervical, middle, and apical thirds at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex. All specimens were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM images of each sample analyzed using image tool 3.00 used for measuring gaps area, width, and length to evaluate adaptability of tested root canal sealers. Statistical analysis was performed using a commercially available software program (SPSS Chicago, IL, USA). Numerical data was described as mean and standard deviation. Data was compared using Kruskall Wallis or ANOVA test according to normality. The level of significance was set at P ≤0.05. All tests were two tailed. Results BC sealer showed better marginal adaptation than AH Plus sealer. However, there was no significant difference between both tested obturation techniques on marginal adaptation. Conclusions BC sealer is a reliable and promising material that improves marginal adaptation.


