
Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology


هدفت الدراسة التعرف على درجة ممارسة القيادات المدرسية للإدارة الإفتراضية لمدارس الكويت، واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي المسحي، وتم إختيار عينة الدراسة وفقا ًلأسلوب العينة الطبقية العشوائية، حيث تم إختيار عينة قوامها (306) معلم ومعلمة، واستخدمت الدراسة أداة الاستبيان لجمع المعلومات من عينة الدراسة، حيث تم عمل استبانة شملت (6 محاور أساسية). من أهم النتائج التي توصلت اليها الدراسة ما يلي:

- أشارت النتائج أن المتوسط العام لجميع محاور الدراسة يعادل (2.67) بدلالة لفظية متوسطة، مما يشير إلى درجة ممارسة متوسطة للقيادات المدرسية للإدارة الإلكترونية بمدارس الكويت.

- أوضحت النتائج وجود فروق في محاور الدراسة تعزى لمتغيرات (الجنس – سنوات الخدمة الوظيفية – التخصص التعليمي – المرحلة الدراسة – المنطقة التعليمية)

ومن خلال نتائج البحث، توصلت الباحثة إلى عدد من التوصيات الهامة، وذلك كما يلي:

- ضرورة رفع كفاءة تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية، وذلك من خلال تدريب القيادات المدرسية على جوانب وأبعاد الإدارة الإلكترونية.

- نشر الوعي بأهمية الإدارة الإلكترونية المدرسية بين القيادات المدرسية والمعلمين.

The study aimed to identify the degree of school leaders' practice of the virtual management of Kuwait's schools, and the study relied on the descriptive survey approach, and the study sample was chosen according to the random stratified sample method. Where a questionnaire was made that included (6 main axes). Among the most important findings of the study are the following:

- The results indicated that the general average for all study axes is equivalent to (2.67) in terms of medium verbal meaning, which indicates the degree of the average practice of school leaderships for electronic management in Kuwait schools.

- The results showed that there are differences in the study axes due to variables (gender - years of employment service - educational specialization - stage of study - educational region)

Through the results of the study, the researcher reached several important recommendations, as follows:

- The need to raise the efficiency of electronic management by training school leaders on the aspects and dimensions of electronic management.

- Spreading awareness of the importance of electronic school management among school leaders and teachers.

The study aimed to identify the degree of school leaders' practice of the virtual management of Kuwait's schools, and the study relied on the descriptive survey approach, and the study sample was chosen according to the random stratified sample method. Where a questionnaire was made that included (6 main axes). Among the most important findings of the study are the following:

- The results indicated that the general average for all study axes is equivalent to (2.67) in terms of medium verbal meaning, which indicates the degree of the average practice of school leaderships for electronic management in Kuwait schools.

- The results showed that there are differences in the study axes due to variables (gender - years of employment service - educational specialization - stage of study - educational region)

Through the results of the study, the researcher reached several important recommendations, as follows:

- The need to raise the efficiency of electronic management by training school leaders on the aspects and dimensions of electronic management.

- Spreading awareness of the importance of electronic school management among school leaders and teachers.

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