"The Effectiveness of Employing the Ring House Shape Strategy in Acquiring the Scientific Concepts in Chemistry in the Tenth Grade Female Students in the Light of their Motivation towards Learning Science" by Ali Moqbel Al-Alimat

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology


This study aimed to investigate the effect of using ring house shape strategy on tenth grade Female students’ acquisition of scientific concepts. To achieve the objectives of the study, aquasi- experimental design was used. Two instruments were used: a test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts and a scale to measure students’ motivation towards learning science. The subjects of the study consisted of (67) tenth grade students. They were chosen purposefully from a school for girls in Mafraq Educational Directorate. They were divided randomly into two groups: experimental group (n=33) who were taught by using ring house shape strategy and control group (n=34) who were taught by the used method. Analysis of Two-Way ANCOVA (2×2) was used to answer the questions of the study and test the null hypotheses of the study. The study revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the acquisition of scientific concepts in favor of the experimental group; and motivation towards learning science in favor of the students with high motivation. Also, the study revealed that there was a statistically significant interaction effect between strategy and motivation towards learning science in favor of the students with high motivation in the experimental group. Due to these results this study recommended adopting ring house shape strategy due to its effect on the acquisition of scientific concepts.
