Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology

The research aimed to determine the level of 21st century skills possessed by female students at the College of Educational Sciences at Al al-Bayt University. Additionally, the study sought to investigate whether academic year, age, and academic specialization had a significant influence on these skills The study population for the academic year 2023-2024 consisted of all female students registered in the College. A random sample of 245 students was selected using a regular random technique. To assess the degree to which female students possessed 21st-century skills the researchers developed a questionnaire titled "21st-Century skills" The questionnaire comprised 48 items categorized into five sections The investigation yielded the following findings: Female students at Al al-Bayt University's College of Educational Sciences demonstrated a moderate level of proficiency in 21st-century skills Neither ability connected to the academic year (with the differences favoring the fourth year) nor age (with the differences favoring the older age group; α = 0.05) showed any statistically significant differences. Lastly, no skill associated with academic specialization showed statistically significant differences (with the disparities supporting special education specialization).
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Alslaiti, Feras and Almeqdadi, Farouq A.
"The degree to which female students of the College of Educational Sciences at Al al-Bayt University possess twenty-first century skills and their relationship to some variables درجة امتلاك طالبات كلية العلوم التربوية في جامعة آل البيت لمهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات,"
Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology: Vol. 22:
3, Article 3.
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