
Arab Journal of Administration المجلة العربية للإدارة


A condense research was done to investigate the strategic Quality Management and its impact on improving the competitive capability. The methods that were used parallel are: Theoretical, experimental (Questionnaire contains “70” questions was designed for,24 elements, Quality Dimensions, 29 elements to Quality Superiority Factors and 15 element to competitive Capability improvement), and empirical. The Data obtained were analyzed using: Descriptistics (in order to study the behavior of the data). Canonical Analysis (in order to analysis the relationship between Quality Factors and their effects on the improvement of competing they chose two companies). Multidimensional Contingency Tables (Log-Linear Mode(. to analysis the categorical data in contingency table of 4 and more dimensions, using iterative proportional fitting procedure. SPSS / PC program was used, were many subroutines were written. Finally many conclusions and suggestion were obtained.
