
Arab Journal of Administration المجلة العربية للإدارة


In the management of Today's organization, the concept of subordinates' participation in the affairs of these organizations is an essential concept. And subordinates' participation is done through a process of sharing power through the organization's hierarchy. Some studies in the English language have indicated that there are significant positive relationships between subordinates' participation and their attitudes and performance. In the current study, which was done among a sample drawn from public service organizations in Saudi Arabia, we studied the degree of subordinates' participation in decision making through their opinions and its relation to some of their characteristics and attitudes toward their organizations. This was done through asking several questions, such as what the extent of the subordinates' participation in decision making through their opinions? And what are the signs of the relationships between subordinates' participation and their job satisfaction and organizational commitment? And to answer the study questions, we used the SPSS package to determine the degree of subordinates' participation in decision making through their opinions. The relationships between subordinates' participation in decision making and their attitudes toward their jobs and the organization were determined through using Person correlation analysis.The results indicated a very weak degree of participation. But we found strong positive relationships between participation and satisfaction with the supervisor and with job satisfaction. And strong positive relationships between participation and the components of organizational commitment. Based on these results, we make some recommendations for those who are in leadership positions.
