
Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies البلقاء للبحوث والدراسات

Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies  البلقاء للبحوث والدراسات


This study aims at investigating the relationship of the Municipal employee with the Central Government, to reveal the organizational basis for sending municipal staff to pursue courses and scientific missions, whether it was referred to the Municipal Employees’ System or the Civil Service System. To achieve this, the study was based on the analytical descriptive approach. The content of the articles of the Jordanian constitution, the relevant municipal law, and the articles of the Municipal Employees’ System and the Civil Service System were analyzed. The results showed that the central government is the mandate holder for issuing the municipal employees statute. Further to this, the findings indicated that the organizational basis to dispatch municipal employees in scientific courses and expeditions is the civil services statute, where the civil service system in Jordan is the main umbrella for the procedures of dispatching municipal employees to courses and scientific expeditions. To sum up, the study made a number of recommendations, including, the addition of an explicit article in the Municipal Employees’ System recognizing the procedure for dispatching municipal employees to the civil service system.



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