Al Jinan الجنان

At all times, the woman has inspired the poets and her image has represented the endless poetic sense of tender and creativity. As all other poets, Almotanabi had honored the beginnings of his poems by mentioning and flattering the woman. He had followed the steps of the other poets whether their poems were erotic or platonic. However, Almotanabi had his own way to love. He had the passion for woman and flattered her, but he was never devoted to her.He had his own big interest and he devoted himself to the Power . Thus, flattering a woman for Almotanabi was an act of art and writing skills, it was not a sincere feeling toward her. only : Almotanabi himself, Almotanabi was occupied by one person and this fact is proved in this research based the evidence taken from his poems.
Recommended Citation
Ismaiil, abde alrazak
"The presence of Woman In the poetry of Almotanabi,"
Al Jinan الجنان: Vol. 15, Article 13.
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