An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed at searching for the brotherly relationships as predictors of optimism and pessimism among a sample of 457 Secondary students. The results of the study showed that the level of brotherly relationship for all dimensions had a high score, whereas the scale of the relationships between brothers and sisters was at a very high score. Results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the genders in the dimensions of scale brotherly relationships except the future concerns if there is no significant difference between the genders. It also shows the presence of statistically significant differences between the genders on the optimism scale in favor of females, while there are no statistically significant differences between the genders on a scale of pessimism. With the respect to the dimensions of scale brotherly relationships predicted with optimism, it was found that the predictive brotherly relationships dimensions for males were: Parental bias dimension, relationships between brothers and sister’s dimension, and acceptance dimension. For females, the predictive dimensions were: Acceptance dimension and relationships between brothers and sisters dimension. With the regard to the dimensions of scale brotherly relationships predicted with the pessimism, it was found that the predictive dimensions for males were: Acceptance dimension, parental bias dimension and relationships between brothers and sisters dimension and future concerns dimension. For females, the predictive dimensions were: parental bias dimension, and future concerns dimension, and responsibility dimension.
