An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The study sought to identify the effectiveness of an electronic counseling program via social communication networks in improving emotional intelligence level of a sample of Al-Aqsa University students. The study also aimed to reveal the significant differences between the means of the participants' scores in pre-measurement and post-measurement on one hand and post-measurement and follow-up measurement on the other hand. The study administered emotional intelligence scale (Elwan, 2011) and a counseling program constructed by the researcher to 22 College of Education students whose emotional intelligence levels were low. The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences between the means of the participants' scores in the overall score and dimensions of the emotional intelligence scale in the pre and post measurements and post and follow up measurements, the thing which confirms the effectiveness of the electronic counseling program via social networks in improving Al-Aqsa University students' emotional intelligence.
