"The Effectiveness of Teaching Science for Intermediate Stage Students " by Hameed Osaimi
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


Thestudy aimed to explorethe effectiveness of using Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model among Intermediate Stage Students in developingtheir conceptual structure and the scientific attitudes. The sample of the study consisted of (44) students of the 1stintermediate grade in TaifDirectorate ofEducation.This sample was distributed randomly intoan experimental group and a control group.Pre and post –tests were administered to the two study groups.andthe gathered data were analyzed using ANOVA.The results showed that: a statisticalsignificant difference at (α=0,05) between the mean scores on the Conceptual Structuretest attributed to the instructional method in favor of the experimental group and there was a statistically significant difference at (α=0,05)between the mean scores on the scientific attitudestest attributed to the instructional method in favor of the experimental group.In light of these results, the study recommended adopting Marzano's Dimensions of Learning Model in the teaching and learning process, trainin-service teachersin using the model, reforming the scientific subjects in accordance with this model. In addition, the study recommended conducting similar studies and researches on other classes and subjects.
