"Manifestations of Repetition in the Last Poetic Divan of Mahmoud Darwe" by Ahmad Rahahleh
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This research aim at spotlighting the manifestations of repetition in the last poetic divan of Mahmoud Darweish titled "I Don’t Want This Poem to End" and to uncover its materializations, aestheticisms and functions; therefore it goes beyond the abstractedness of stylish phenomenon and focus on monitoring of its artistic value in order to highlight its effect in the shaping the poet’s distinguished vision and insight in the divan and its contribution in building the poetic implications which are manifested in the poems. The research also endeavors to explain this selectivity of specific vocabularies and structures. The demonstration of this phenomenon and its analysis come to encompass the vertical and horizontal levels in the divan through which the poet show stylish awareness in employing repetition that transcends the musical added-value obtained from repetition in the poem to engage the recipients in ideas and most of their persistent emotions and to explain the meaning which the poet focus on.
