"Degree of the Palestinian Teacher’s Adherence to National Professional" by Saed Rabaia and Sana Zakarneh
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The study aimed at identifying the degree the Palestinian teacher’s adherence to National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST). To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher selected the teachers and supervisors of Qabatya Education Directorate to identify their estimation,the sample consisted of (249) teachers and (25) supervisors. The descriptive methodology was followed, and the questionnaire was used to gather data. The questionnaire was built in the light of the NPST as provided for by the Palestinian (2012) guide thereof. The questioner included (84) paragraph distributed over three main areas: Knowledge and understanding, professional skills and finally attitude and values. Having gathered and analyzed the data, it turned out according to teachers that the total degree of their adherence to NPST in all areas was excellent. The areas were arranged as follow: standards of attitudes and values, standards of knowledge and understanding and standards of professional skills. While the total degree of their adherence to NPST according to the supervisors was good and came in the following order: the standard of knowledge and understanding, the standard of professional skills and finally the standard of attitudes and values.The results also showed a difference of statistical significance in adherence to NPST, according to the teachers themselves, based on the teachers’ gender variable on the total degree in all areas in favor of female teachers, and the years of experience variable, in the area of knowledge and understanding in favor of 13+ years of experience, and The number of training courses variable in the area of knowledge and understanding for those who attended more than 10 training courses. As for the estimation of the supervisors adherence to NPST, there was difference were shown according to supervisors’ years of experience in the area of knowledge and understanding in favor of 13+ years of experience. Finally, a statically significant difference was shown in the estimation between the teachers and supervisors in favor of teachers as to the adherence of both based on the total tool in all areas
