"The Self-Efficiency and Its Relationship with Psychological Pressures " by Ahmad Shawwa
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The study aimed to get acquainted with the level of the self-efficiency and its relationship with the psychological pressures that faces the security bodies in Palestine, in addition to identifying the differences in the level of self-efficiency and the psychological pressures according to the variables of the study level, the military rank, and the body. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample consisting of 288 officers from the National Security and the Palestinian Police. A questionnaire measuring the domain of self-efficiency and the domain of psychological pressures was applied to the study. The results of the study revealed that the level of the self-efficiency among the individuals of the sample of the study was low, and that the level of the psychological pressures among the individuals of the sample of the study was high, in addition to no statistically significant differences in the domain of the study level, according to the variable of the study level. Also there were statistically significant differences in the domain of the psychological pressures according to the variable of the study level and in favor of the B.A. and the M.A. The results of the study also revealed statistically significant differences in the domain of the self-efficiency and in the domain of the psychological pressures according to the variable of the military rank and in favor of the rank of major to the rank of colonel, and in favor of the rank of brigadier and higher. The results also showed no statistically significant differences in the domain of the self-efficiency according to the variable of the body, and that there were statistically significant differences in the domain of the psychological pressures according to the variable of the body, and in favor of the National Security. The results also showed that there is a statistical significant positive correlation between the self-efficiency and the psychological pressures. In the light of the results, the researcher recommended several recommendations, among the most important of which are: holding periodical meetings with leaders and those who are responsible in the bodies and training the officers in the most recent methods of military and security training in the domain of crisis management in order to raise their self-efficiencies and to minimize the effects of the psychological pressures to which they are exposed, taking interest in focusing on constructive human relations among the officers and the Palestinian local society.
