"Different Levels of some Coordination Abilities among Primary High Sch" by Ahmed Salem Bataineh and Adam Amawi
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed to measure the different levels for some coordination abilities among primary high school students (12-15) years. Motor abilities testing battery were used based on each of Munich test battery and drodel-kokh motor abilities test on each age group and for both genders. Study sample were (150) students, males and females from the international school of choueifat-amman \private education sector \ Capital chapter. (25) Male students and (25) female students from each age group of the study between (12 – 15) years old. Descriptive approach has been applied. Testing battery consists of four tests (rear moving satability, jump aside for (15) seconds, drippling volleyball from standing on an upsidedown bench and accuracy of throwing on a target). (SPSS) statistical program were used to measure means and standuard deviations, (ANOVA) and (Scheffe) have been applied for post comparisons. Results of the study shown statiscal significant differences for all male group tests in favor of the age group (13 – 13.9) except for the rear moving test. and showed statiscal significant differences for all female group tests in favor of the age group (14 – 14.9) except for the rear moving test. And showed statiscal significant differences in the age group (12 – 12.9) for the rear moving test in favor for the females, and in favor for the males in both drippling and accuracy tests. And showed statiscal significant differences in the age group (13 – 13.9) for the jump aside test in favor for the females, and in favor for the males in both drippling and accuracy tests. And showed statiscal significant differences in the age group (14 – 14.9) for the rear moving test in fovor for the females, and in favor for the males in drippling test
