This study aimed to determine the effect of the cubing strategy in the achievement of the basic seventh grade students in mathematics in Qalqilya governorate,the researchersadopted the quasi experimental methodology in its application in the seventh grade female students.The study reached thatthere is statistically significant difference between student’sand attitudes achievement in the experimental and control group due to the teaching method (traditional,cubing strategy),the results were in favor of the experimental group .There is a statistically significant association at p between students’achievement and attitudes toward learning mathematics for the female students in the seventh grade. Based on the study findings,the researchersrecommendtraining educational supervisros and teachers on using modern methods in teaching as cubing strategy,encouring teachers to apply cubing strategy in other topics as Algebra and Measurement, and also in other subjects like Science and Geography.
Recommended Citation
Salha, Soheil; Barkat, Ali; and Shawahany, Alaa
"The Effect of the Cubing Strategy in the Achievement of the Basic Seventh Grade Students in Mathematics in Qalqilya Governorate and their Attitudes Towards it's learning,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 31:
10, Article 2.
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