"The Effect of Using Puzzles and Games on Students’ Mathematical Thinki" by Mohammad Al-absi
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed at investigating the effect of using puzzles andgames on students’ mathematical thinking at the faculty of educational sciences andarts (UNRWA),accordingto their self-efficacy, by using the qausi-experimental approach, with nonequivalent control group design. The sample of the study consisted of (79) students, registered the “basic concepts in mathematics” course, distributed totwo sections,one section chosenrandomly as an experimental group who wastaughtduring the “Number theory”unit by teachingthem throughpuzzles and games, and the other section as a control group who wastaughtusing the traditional method of instruction. Results of the study revealed that puzzles and games had a positive effect on improving students’ mathematical thinking, and there is nostatically significant difference in the mathematical thinking, attributable to the interaction between the group (experimental, control) and self-efficacy (high, moderate).
