The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between the impact of the ballistic and the speed-strengthtraining on some physical and biomechanical variables during start phase in front crawl swimming. The study was conducted on a sample of (6) students who have been divided into two equal groups: the first experimental group consists (three) students who have been involved in ballistic training, and the second experimental group, as well, consists (three) students who have been t involved inspeed-strength training. Physical tests were conducted on each one of the groups, including: explosive power of the legs’ muscles, (vertical jump test, standing long jump, the maximum strength to the legs’ muscles, and the maximum strengthto the chest muscles (1RM)). The following biomechanical variables have been measured (Vertical and horizontal speed for center of gravity during the start-up swimming, the time of 15 meters after starting, and the impulse). All of those variables have been measured using Dartfish analysis system along with the Force Plate Form system. The result of the study was that ballistic training is much better in the vertical & horizontal jumping and some Kinematical variables(Vertical and horizontal velocity for center of gravityduring the start-up swimming, the time of 15 meters after starting, and the impulse))during the start phase in swimming. The researcher definitely though it’s better to use the ballistic training and recommended it as a way of improving the start-up swimming.
Recommended Citation
Hamad, Wejdan and Abu Al Taieb, Mohammad
"The Effect of Ballistic and Speed - Strength Training On Some Physical and Biomechanical Variables during Start Phase In Swimming,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 31:
2, Article 6.
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