"Mental Imagination and its Relation to Skill Performance of Physical E" by Nezar Al-luwaici,, Ismaiel Mahmoud et al.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed to determine the level of mental imagination and its relation to the skill performance in high jump. Descriptive approach was used for the purposes of this study. 112 male and female students enrolled in the course of "theories of training track and field" during semester 2015/2016 participated in this study. We used the mental imagination scale developed by Shamoun and Ismail (1999) which consists of 6 components: visual imagination, hearing imagination, motor perception, emotional status, mental imagination control, and perception of the mental imagination. In general, a medium level of the mental imagination was found. The study also found a high level of visual imagination, perception of the mental imagination, and motor perception. The medium level was found in mental imagination control, emotional status, and hearing imagination. Results also showed a positive relationship between the level of mental imagination and skill performance of physical education faculty students in high jump at Yarmouk University.
