"Results of the Arab and European Teams in the Handball World Champions" by Taiysir Mansi
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The aim of the study was to analyze the Results of the Arab and European teams in the handball world championship (2015). Comparison of offensive and defensive skills of teamsof Arab and European teams. Description method was used. The sample of the study has included all the Arab National Teams (5 Teams) participated in the Handball world championship (2015) in (35) matches. In addition to the European Teams which have achieved the first five positions, and their total matches are (45). The Results of the investigation reveled that: The Arab National Teams has clear weaknesses in the most basic attacking and defending skills compared to the best five European Teams. The Attacking technical faults are more than the faults committed by the European Teams. There is a clear European superiority in defense and steal skills in comparison with Arab team's results. There is a clear superiority in shooting skills from Penalty through (7meter), back lines and wings for the European teams. The results were similar to the international levels from Pivot position and fast break attacks. The study recommendations are to paying more attention to essential training of attack and defense skills. Depending upon modern training methods. Concentrating on developing shooting skills against a defender, and in similar conditions to real competition.
