"Verifying the One-dimensional Assumption under item Response Theory, U" by Arwa Alhawari
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed to verifythe One-dimensionalAassumptionunder Item Response Theory, UsingExploratoryFactorAnalysis Versus ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis. Comparative study. To achieve this aim, the concept of One-dimensionalassumptionwas defined, andits importance,andthe consequences resulting from its violation, were illustrated.The required conditions for One-dimensionalwere identified,and the One-dimensionalIndicatorswere explained, in addition to the definition of structural equation model and its importance,and the required conditions of confirmatory analysis. were identified too.The indicators are discussed,exploratory factor analysis versus confirmatory factoranalysiswhichthey concedefitindicators.Among the procedures of the study was to generate data andgenerating anitemswere alsogeneratingthe examinee's ability, andgeneratingdatarate(1000) were examined,test length (30)item, andAbility distribution(normal)accordingtoItem Response Theory Models (three-parameter)andanalysisofdata generateddepending on thesoftwareAMOS21and SPSS. The results showed confirmting the results of exploratory factor analysis with Confirmatory Factor Analysisfor detectingtheeffectivenessofmatchingfitindicators. Inaddition especiallythestatistical indicators: RMR, RMSEA, IFI, GFI, AGFI. achieveOne-dimensionalassumption. Which comes confirmation of the indicators of exploratory factor analysis.
