"The Effects of Aquatic Exercise Program on Physical Fitness and Physio" by Mohammad Abu Altaieb, Ramzi Al-horani et al.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aimed to identify the effects of the swimming course level (3) and aquatic exercise program on selected physical and physiological variables, and Movement satisfaction. The study sample consisted of (12)(students) recreational swimmers from the swimming course level (3). The swimmers were divided into two groups; 1. Control group (n = 6) who received the regular training program of the course, 2. Experimental group (n = 6) received the aquatic exercise program in addition to the regular training. The researchers used the experimental approach. The following tests were performed: the Burpees test and chin ups test to measure their strength endurance. Flexibility was measured through the sit and reach test. 25-mfreestyle swimming test measure speed, 400-mfreestyletest to measure endurance, Margaria- Kalmen test to measure the anaerobic power,1 mile test to estimate the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), and Movement satisfaction scale for Allawi (1998).The results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences (p=0.05) in post test in favor of the of aquatic exercises program than regular training program in improvement strength endurance, swimming endurance, anaerobic power, VO2max, and motor satisfaction. The researchers recommended using aquatic exercise programs to improve physical and physiological variablesrelated to the swimming performance in students of the physical Education Faculty.
