"The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Capital Structure of Non-Fin" by Sami Abushammala and Nael Abu Lila
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The study aimed at testing the impact of corporate governance on the capital structure of (22) companies listed in the Palestine Exchange. The researcher adopt the quantitative method and content analysis to the fi-nancial statements of the non-financial companies during the period 2011 to 2014. The research used the econometric statistical approach and the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) regression Model, using the random effects method. The results showed that there is significant negative ef-fect for the independent variables (the independence of the Directors’ Board and to CEO duality) on the capital structure. However, significant positive affect for the independent variables (foreign ownership and Compensations Committee) on the capital structure. Consequently, the study recommended preserving the independence of executive boards in the Palestinian companies, also avoiding the duplication of the executive officer work with the Directors’ Board membership. Moreover, re-drafting the laws of investment in Palestine to encourage the foreign in-vestors to support and invest in the Palestinian private sector, and work-ing on establishing the compensations committees in the Palestinian com-panies. Finally, the study recommended the government to force listed companies to compliance the guidance of Palestinian governance.
