An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The aim of the study is to uncover the implications and reality of Iranian interference in Arab affairs and its effect on balances of regional power. It sheds light on these implications and analyses them, the study concludedthat Iran’s interferences have fundamentally disrupted the role of regional powers; Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, causing a shift in the power dynamics and the alliances entailed. It also highlights Iran’s historical and renewed interests and ambitions in the region, in light of the evident frailty of the Arab regime. The “Arab Spring” seen by Iran as an opportunity to reinforce and further its influence. It also brings to light the division in regards to the Arab position on Iran’s growing influence, as it is seen as strategically beneficial by some Arab states, while others see it as an overwhelming and imminent threat. The study also recommends the formation of a unified Arab approach and vision to clearly identify strategic threats and opportunities presented by Iran’s expanding role in the region, to help fortify Arab states against foreign agendas, interventions, ambitious and interests. Meanwhile, it would help mitigate the threats of political-sectarian polarization and the soft-force politicization of Shiite movements, so that they do not align themselves with the other party.
