An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The aimed of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Counseling program based on the ARCS model in the development motivation for Learning for a sample of third-middle grade.To achieve the objectives of the study,training program was developed consisted of four dimensions as follows:Generating and Sustaining Attention, Establishing and Supporting Relevance,Building Confidence.The motivational learning scale has been developed and its psychometric properties have been verified.(28) Students were subjected to the training program, while the control group which consisted of (35) students did not receive any training. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences due to the application of the training program for the experimental group.There were also statistically significant differences between the estimates of the two groups according to the interaction of the variables:groups and sex in the post application of the dimensions:challenge,curiosity and independent proficiency in favor of female estimates.There were no statistically significant differences between the estimates of the two study groups according to the interaction of the variables of the group and gender in the post-application.
