An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


As the title indicates, the aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of field training in preparing for the labor market as perceived by An-Najah National University economics and journalism graduates. To that end, the researcher has used the analytical descriptive approach. He developed a 43- item questionnaire, covering three main domains: the extent of the training institution’s cooperation with the graduates during the practical training period, the extent of commitment of the graduates to the work environment conditions of the training institution, and the extent of the benefits obtained by the graduates after completion of the training in the institution. After presenting the questionnaire to a number of referees to test its validity, the researcher produced an electronic form, using the Google Drive program. He then sent it via SMS to all the study population: all graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Journalism (3,791) who graduated between 2014-2018. Of the total number of graduates, who responded (464), 222 graduates received practical training opportunities in a number of institutions, where they formed a source of access to the study goals. For data analysis, the researcher used the frequencies, percentages, T-test and One-way ANOVA. After data analysis, it was found that the training institutions were cooperative with the trainees in preparing them for the labor market in accordance with a clear training program and an appropriate work environment. The results also showed the graduates' commitment to the conditions of the training institution and respect of its culture and labor laws. It was also found that the fresh graduates got a number of benefits. About 94% of them said that practical training allowed them to discover their potentials and know the extent of their suitability for future careers as well as the expectations of these careers. They also said that the training allowed them to learn how to market their skills and competencies. The results also showed that more than 20% of these trainees were employed in the same institutions they had received training in. In the light of these findings, the researcher recommends dissemination of a culture of training among students, enhancement of the role of university recruitment/ career units to coordinate with training institutions, creation of a database for graduates who have received training in institutions. This is in addition to giving priority to potential jobs and honoring institutions active in the field of training of university fresh graduates.
