The present study aimed atidentifyingthe effect of the length of the questionnaire on the Accuracy of Ability Estimation of the parameters of examineesand The parameters of Items and scalein the light of IRT, thesample of the study was selected in aavailable significant differences between the averagesof the standard error in estimating the difficultyparameter of the itemdue to the difficultyparameter and length of the questionnaire, and to the interaction of the difficultyparameter with the length of the questionnaire, and to theinteraction of the difficulty parameter with the length of the questionnaire, in the light of the results of study the researcher recommended questionnaire developersas a tool for their research takinginto account the length of the itemto achieve accuracy in the speed estimates of the sample elements. It is better to be from the same paragraph (30) or more.sampleby distributing the questionnaire samples to the teachers. Amounted (1425)male and femaleteachers, were (1038) male and (387) femaledistributed to (492) teachers of the questionnaire (10 items) And (497) teachers of the questionnaire (30 items) and (436) teachers of the questionnaire model (60 items), in order to achieve the objectives of the study; Abdel-Jawad&Metwally(1993) questionnaire job satisfaction of teachers was used, The results showed statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) between the standard error averagein the estimation of the abilities of individualrelatedto the length of the questionnaire;the results showed differences between the standard error averagesinfavor Length of questionnaire (60) compared to (length of questionnaire (10) and (30)), then for (30) compared to the length of the questionnaire (10). The findings also indicatethat there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the averagesof the standard error in estimating the discrimination parameter for the itemrelatedto the length of the questionnaire; adifferences between the averageof the standard error in favor for the length (30) compared to the length of the questionnaire (10), and in favor of the length of the questionnaire (60) compared to the length of the questionnaire (10). Lastly the results indicate there were no statistically
Recommended Citation
Alqudah, Abedalhameed and Al-Shraifin, Nedal
"The effect of the length of a questionnaire on the accuracy estimations of the ability and the psychometric properties of the item and scale in the light of item response theory,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 34:
6, Article 2.
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