"The effectiveness of using the application of "WhatsApp" on achievemen" by Omar Al-Hassan
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


This study aims at identifying the effectiveness of using the application of what's app outside the classroom in the learning achievement of the students of the Department of Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, King Faisal University; in the Instructional Technology course. The study employed a pre-test post-test quasi experimental design to collect data. The study population consisted of (67) students according to the registration of students for the course of teaching Instructional Technology for the second semester of the academic year (1437-1438 H (2016/2017). A convenient sample of 46 (69%) was selected from the original population. Comparison of pre-test and post-test scores, indicated that the use of the What's app application has helped in increasing the students' achievement in the educational technology course. The study recommends that it would be useful that King Faisal university instructors use the What's app application in teaching.
