This study deals with the realist transformation ofal-Sayyab's and Darwish’s villages, called "Jekur" and"al-Birwa", respectively.It initially addressesbothauthors’ poems, al-Sayyab’s“Jekur'sMurthya'”andDarwish’s“al-Birwa's Talilah'”,by revealingthe paradox of semiotics of address in both poems. This showsthe compatibilityof the word Murthya with the conditionof Jekur, which has been transformed into fossilized materialism as well asthe harmony of the word Talilah and the stateof al-Birwa, whose ancient ruins were dissolved.This research illustrates the paradoxes whichresulted from thistransformation that affectedspacein both villages. It explainsthat while the green Jekur has changed toa black one, al-Birwa turned froma vibrant place to a deserted landscape. This means that theseplaces become alike in the two poemsinterms of transformation from one state to another, yetJekur's change essentiallydiffersfrom al-Birwa’s transformation.
Recommended Citation
Ghadrah, Mo'tasem
"Paradoxes of Transformation in the Village Space between Bader Shaker al-Sayyab and Mahmoud Darwish: A Study of al-Sayab’s “Jekur's Murthya” and Darwish’s “al-Birwa's Talilah”,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 35:
3, Article 1.
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